Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Make your own laundry soap

Laundry soap has been something that I've always wanted to try...but it seemed to be at the end of a long list of 'I'll try that someday..."
My cousin Becky, who lives here tried this out and loved it. I thought I would try it too. Check out her blog, she has lots of great ideas and tutorials.

Here's what I like about it:

*Only 4 ingredients
*The smell is delicious-not overwhelming
*I use less soap than previously
*I can make a batch in no time at all

I also calculated the cost between a big box from costco and making my own, and the price is the same per load.
I have to admit, it makes me feel really cool making my own soap-go self reliance! I have not been so great at doing my own food storage, so doing this little part makes me feel like I am making a small difference for me and my family.

Here are the ingredients, which I found all at my local grocery store:

Makes: 1 batch, 20 loads
Using 2T or 1/4 cup per load

2 c borax
1/2 c washing soda
1/2 c baking soda
1 bar fels naptha soap, grated (I grated mine finely, it mixes in better I find)
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Danessa said...

hey cute Amber! I have loved following your blog! So fun.
On the laundry soap is it 2 Tbsp? Or 1/4 c. (cause 1/4 c. is 4 tbsp). Congrats on your new little one on the way!

A & E said...

Hey Lady! I use 1/4 c. for my loads of laundry. How is it having a boy? :) I thought that this little lady would be a boy, but she tricked us!

Danessa said...

Cool! How fun though. I love little girls and you have such cute ones! Boys are fun though! I should post more pictures huh!