So our little papoose is due in only one month! Hallelujah! We can't wait to see what she looks like, what color her hair is, and how much it sticks up. She is getting too squished in my belly and constantly has her bum in my ribs. She loves to hangout there more than anywhere else. And it's getting harder to sleep at night- it's not as comfortable, not to mention I have to get up and use the bathroom at least 4 times a night.
I went to the Dr. last Friday and she said that she could feel her head and that she was in just the right spot, and that I was dialted to a 1, which means that she could come in the next 2 weeks or wait 6 weeks to come. :) Knowing her, I can imagine her waiting a week after she is due, since that is what I did to Mom. She is a little stubborn, like me, in that when I try to push her bum out of my ribs, she'll move it right back up.
I had a shower on Saturday and this little papoose has more handmade quilts than anything else! She received 3 at the shower and in the same week my friend sent her one. She has about 10 that are handmade. It was a great shower, and I'll post some pictures soon.
Evan and I are finally making the big jump to being tech savvy people! We bought a digital camera! It's about time! We found a really great deal on a Nikon. So hopefully that will come in the mail this week, and we'll post some pics.
I've been painting and sanding, and I've decided a few things:
a) I'm happy I have a college education and that I don't have to do manual labor for my salary. Like I even can say I make a salary- I make less now than I did in highschool!
b) I think I'll pay people to do that from now on. :)
We did get our little changing table painted, and a white dresser painted- when you see it, you'll laugh at how tiny it is. :)
Evan is convinced he is going to become a fly fisherman. He and our good friend Don have been going fishing this week and last, and Evan is really excited about it. He says things like, "I only got it caught in the bushes twice the whole time." :)
Evan's parents are coming to visit for a couple of days, we're excited for them to come. We'll get to show them the mountains and fun farmer's markets, that is if I'm not going into labor. :)
Hope you all have a great week, and we'll keep you updated! love A&E & papoose