Maya is saying "wow I can't believe I'm two weeks old today!" She looks like she's holding up 3 fingers instead of 2, but close enough. Since she has been born she's had a lot of exciting things happen: she's had to stay in the hospital for a week, Grandma Rawlinson came to visit, she had her first outing to Goshen Pass here in Virginia- it is the closest thing Virginia has to a canyon, she lost her umbilical cord, and has had her first bath. Life with a baby is starting to get into a routine of 3 hours. Every 3 hours she eats! Maya does the funniest things like hit herself in the face with her long arms, and smile in her sleep and she doesn't cry, but just grunts. It's hilarious to listen to her. My like revolves around her, and I do love it. She does sometimes just wake up at 4 am and just want to be awake, doesn't want to nurse or have her diaper changed, but would rather just look around. Mom says she is just like me in that respect! And I didn't believe that one little person could go through an entire trash can full of diapers in one day, but it's true. Evan is loving being a Dad, he talks to her and tells her what cool things we get to do, and tells her about cool music. She loves to be rocked to sleep by him, and he's even great at getting up with her sometimes in the night just to change her or to rockabye her. We had a great little visit with Mom. She helped me take Maya to have blood taken and would hold her while they drew blood- I'm such a wimp! She cleaned and bought us groceries, and was just wonderful in helping out. I'm so glad that she could come out here and help me. It made me feel so much more relaxed in the role of mothering because she was here. And Maya loved having her Grandma here. We decided that we'll bless her on September 24th. We would love to see you all here, but know that it would cost you the price of a new car to come- we know how that goes. :) Hope you all have a good day, and we'll keep the pictures coming.
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