Saturday, June 24, 2006

Garage sales GALORE!

For being such a tiny town, Lexington has some fantastic garage sales. Some of them are a little on the sketchy side, selling farm equipment, and old tools not used since the 30's. But aside from those, I have found some treasures. Each Saturday I wake up with the anticipation that it's garage sale day, Evan rolls over and goes back to sleep and I am out the door by 8am.

This weekend my great friend Kristine came to visit. She is living in DC and going to grad school. Long ago we went to EFY together and thought we were quite the cool 14 year olds. I wasn't sure she would want to go with me this morning, but she agreed. We picked up my friend Kim and started off.

Our big finds of the day: vintage fabric, frames, baby clothes, an old ladder, handbags, storybooks, a lamp, tennis balls, and a fern. I found a Richard Scarry book, and the old Mother goose book that is still at my parents house. My little papoose is getting quite the collection of books now.

Oh how I love garage sales.

1 comment:

Chad said...

I don't mind looking at garage sales, but Val has the same attitude as Evan; she's not wasting time out there. :)
