Thursday, September 06, 2012

Oh Canada! (in chronological order)

For vacation this summer we decided to head to Banff.  Evan and I had visited Banff the first summer we were married in 2003, and have been in love with it since.  And dying to return.  We decided that with Izzy being tiny she would most likely travel well, and why not drive 22 hours with four kids?!? The trip was epic.  It was insane at times, but I am so so glad we made the trek.  It was one I will always remember.

We left on a Friday morning at 6:37am to be exact.  I just want to remember that time, because it was a miraculous feat that we were all loaded in the car and ready to go at such a time in the morning!  And I do remember Maya asking if we were "there yet"and we had only been driving about thirty minutes.  Evan and I laughed to ourselves, and I seriously wondered if we would make it to Canada, or the North Dakota border for that matter.  But make it we did!  And we made it to the Canadian border.  I really enjoyed driving somewhere that we hadn't driven before, and North Dakota, the northern part is really gorgeous.  It has crazy rolling hills....and then those hills abruptly stop once you reach Canada.  Saskatchewan is flat.  Sooooo flat.  But it has these BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT fields of yellow-canola fields in all directions as far as you can see. 

These pics are when we stopped to have a little break in this beautiful field of wildflowers.  Maya went exploring, Brynn played in dirt, Zoe played in the car, and Evan hit a box on a pole with a rock.  He was a happy man!

Noteworthy items:

*While driving in the car Maya and Brynn spotted some cows.  They began exaggerating how many they saw.
Maya: One hundred million trillion thousand!
Brynn: Sixty thousand (all of her guesses start with sixty thousand) billion million!
Zoe: (abruptly) FIVE!  (she didn't want to be left out)!

*Getting a speeding ticket in North Dakota-which was only $20!!!


Dalynn said...

Can't wait to see more from the trip!

Daniel L.Thomas said...

You guys have too much fun! The pictures were beautiful. My favorite is the one of Evan throwing like a little girl. He is such a good example for your daughters.

Becky Pearson said...

You are brave, brave souls.