Tuesday, July 29, 2008

bedtime conversation with maya

maya: "elmo," pointing to her elbow.
me: "no, that's your el-bow."
maya: "mama's elmo," tapping my elbow.
me: "it's el-bow, say el, say bow."
maya: touching her diaper (which has a pic of elmo on it) "ELMO!"

i don't know if we're ever going to distinguish between the two.


Heidi J said...

That is too cute!

A Erickson said...

HA! How funny! I am dying of anticipation to see you! Love you lots!

TotallyContent said...

Way too cute!! Go Elmo.

Dalynn said...

Too cute! I love their little minds and words.

Confessions of a 30-Something Drama Queen said...

Hey!! I finally found you! Are you having another baby? Maya is so adorable. What are you up to? Still in VA?

Check out my blog and we need to keep in touch. Miss ya!

Margo and Dave said...

Maya is so big & We can't believe your having another girl... Congrats! You guys look great! Hey check us out at daveandmargo, yes I am addicted to blogging!