Sunday, August 08, 2010


occasionally when brynn is napping maya will begin asking me what makeup i'd like to try for that day. she'll come with handfuls of things for me to try: eyeshadow, blush, an eyelash curler, mascara. then we put it on. usually maya has already adorned herself with lots of colors (she is in love with anything blue or purple) and then lets me have a turn. i used to do the same thing when i was little....wonder where she gets it from. you can see a little bit of makeup on my right eye-so sassy.
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1 comment:

annie said...

amber, i miss you! i've been thinking about you almost everyday for the last little while. how are you? i just need to call you. looks like make-up is in maya's future?! Mud and dirt are all in my boys' future! that's about all they wear on their faces...except for that pizza sauce i didn't get washed off. whoops. sure love you amber!