Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Good news

Found out this morning that Evan passed the bar! Hallelujah! We won't have to move back home with my parents! We're so proud of him....all the hard work of law school and spending an entire summer studying paid off. And he gets to keep his job! And we can now pay our dental bill that is crazy since we BOTH have to have some work done! Bummer!

Maya is busy writing on her feet right now. Although we have her write on paper, she LOVES to write all over her body.

We're getting a camera this weekend! Glory be! So I won't post any random pictures anymore. Yay! We're on a hunt to find some good apple cider and apples for making apple pie this weekend. The best thing about being pregnant in the fall is all of the deliciousness we have from baking. Made some amazing cinnamon rolls for conference weekend, which was incredible if you didn't get a chance to see it, and we'll have some apple pies going, some mulled cider and hot chocolate along with a list on my fridge just of sweets. I think my babies just really like sugar. Or is it me? :)


TotallyContent said...

Woo Hoo Congrats Evan!!! We are so proud of you. Now, put your feet up and try to relax; you deserve it.

The1stdaughter said...

Congrats guys! What a load off, I'm sure. Now you can just enjoy the ride.

Amy said...

CONGRATS EVAN!! nice job! of course, we ALL knew you'd pass!! :) still nice to have the OFFICIAL word! and amber, i'm SURE it's your baby who loves sweets....at least blame it on her while you can! :)

Amanda Fetters said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! Congrats you guys...oh, that is so happy. And I am totally with you on the Fall desserts. They just taste so good when the weather gets nippy!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats Evan!!! I never had any doubts - you're too wonderful to fail!

sunnydaycamp said...

Happy DAy!! so much waiting and wondering... congrats evan.

happy autumn.
see you NEXT week!!

mckenzie said...

hooray congrats!

Chef Messy said...

CONGRATS!!! We've been waiting and waiting to find out if everyone passed, and I'm so happy that Evan did well! (I feel so bad for those poor guys who have to take it more than once!) Isn't it the hugest relief ever? Anyway, we miss you guys and we're glad to hear all is well.

Dalynn said...


annie said...

yea for evan!! you did it! way to go. we're so happy that you don't have to move, even though we'd love having you a little close. ps. how do you make mulled cider. we'll have to chat on that one. love you guys and congrats evan.

A Erickson said...

A super ginormous HURRAY! What a relief I'm sure-not that any of us had any doubts about that smart cookie husband of yours. About the apples-You can come to Paradise and pick the 200 trees we've been picking this week. Fudge-nuts...what a job!

Carlene said...

Congratulations Evan we are all very proud of you. I never had any doubts you wouldn't pass though.