Wednesday, November 10, 2010

littlest lady

i won the headband discussion with miss zoe. or "zos" as brynn calls her. evan hates to have anything in their hair, but when you have children like i do with a plethora of hair i think a tiny little headband or barrette is so sweet. especially when it's purple. it's alright that i'm pushing purple as the favorite color around here isn't it?

this pic captures this little lady perfectly. this is exactly her face, since the day she was born. i'd love to know what she was thinking here.


sunnydaycamp said...

i see the same look as maya in her. I can't wait to meet her.
sorry i missed your called yesterday. Life is crazy and getting crazier as the end of the semester draws near. I will call soon. I love you!!

I Love Good Grub said...

I love her! She is so darling.

Pamela said...

What a doll! Too precious.