Sunday, November 08, 2009


I had every intention of putting away the halloween decorations this week, but just couldn't. We found this little halloween decoration AFTER halloween and so we have had to light it every night at dinner and eat in the dark, per Maya's request. So the decorations are sitll up, and we have been eating all things fall. We have made 'mother lode pretzels' at least 5 times in the last month. So delicious. Dip pretzels in caramel, then rollin chocolate chips and nuts. Absolute heaven. But don't make it early in the day, you'll eat most of the tray before your husband comes home. And I can't blame it on Maya, she only wanted half of one. Boo.
This year Maya was Thomas the train. I had the bright idea to be vikings. You know, we are now considered 'minnesotans' and I think that we have tried to acquire the accent whole-heartedly so I thought it would be nice to represent our heritage here, however I just didn't have the time to try and glue fur everywhere and get Evan a long blonde wig. We dress up every year, but this year we just didn't make it, so next year expect big things from us.
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1 comment:

sunnydaycamp said...

I want to go right home from work and make motherlaod pretzels. they look SO yummy. I must eat some.

I have memories of being young and thinking it was pretty neat-O to eat by candlelight... needless to say we had to have some other light on... so dad could see what he was eating...either over the stove or sink.