Sunday, April 13, 2008

The camping adventure

Evan being a "real man" and finding some wood for our fire.
Maya singing and dancing in a circle, oblivious to anyone else.
Mack, Evan's best bearded friend from law school.
Maya all bleary-eyed at 11pm.

We attempted camping this weekend, and went with some law students. We were only 30 minutes from our house, and the area was scenic and beautiful. We had a creek in front of our campsite, and flowering trees to enjoy. Evan made some chili and we were prepared to have a great weekend. Maya found some sticks to pick up as well as about 20 lbs of dirt that she threw up above her head in excitement that all landed in her hair. Mom and Dad, HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU EVER TAKE 6 KIDS CAMPING????????? Well........things were going fine until bedtime. Maya simply didn't want to be in the tent by herself, and smoke kept fuming through our tent, and some people I know just have really loud voices, i.e. Evan and Mack. So going to sleep was impossible. We finally get Maya to sleep at 11pm and she is up coughing all night because of a cold she has, and as a result Evan and I were awake too. And then I had to go to the bathroom a million times it seemed like, so in all I think Evan and I each got about two hours of sleep! And it had POURED rain in the night, so all of our tents were wet and nasty. Anywho, I don't think we'll be trying this again for a little while. :)

On a side note: Maya Moo can say: "Am-bur" and "Ev-ahhhhhh" it is so funny to hear her say these.

And she can do a somersault.
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TotallyContent said...

What a fun experience to look back on. Glad you could go. Love to all. - Jenny

sunnydaycamp said...

I wish we lived close so we could go camping. remember good times at escalante last year? maya is getting so big... new vocabulary and new tricks!!! send my love.

A Erickson said...

Yay for camping! We are getting restless to go around here! And yay for new words! I love it! Hugs to the Fetters!

mckenzie said...

sounds like a blast! :) it's amazing how things suddenly get really complicated that used to be so easy.