Thursday, December 01, 2011

it's coming....

we awoke today to a tiny amount of snow on the ground and on the branches.
maya came in my room, layed down by me in bed, and then she looked out the window.
she hopped out of bed, ran to the window and squealed at the snow.
then she asked "mom, can i go out and play in it?"
she dressed the fastest i have seen her get dressed maybe ever, slurped a smoothie, and went outside. she wandered all over the driveway, the yard, and then came and asked if anyone else was coming out to play. brynn got dressed, then decided it wasn't for her. where maya can stay outside for days, brynn lasts only about 6 minutes.
as for me, i bought my first pair of yaktrax today...a big deal. i wore them running tonight and they are worth every penny. so happy i made the purchase. one thing i love about minnesota is that despite the cold cold temperatures, people get outside. it doesn't matter if it's only 5 degrees, you see people out. and so although the cold is coming, and won't end til may, winter has arrived and we are thrilled.

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