Thursday, September 01, 2011

utah in summertime

-we went to logan's heroes on south main in logan. go if you haven't ever been! the owner is hameed and he has been there for nearly 30 years. tell him i sent you and you'll make a lifelong friend.

-we picked peas in the garden sans pants.

-we took the mendon way back to wellsville and saw the wellsvilles in all their glory.

-we tried the 'new and improved' mason play structure. donaldo has worked hard and even provided a bell to ring when you go down the slide. brynn would ONLY slide if she held on to barbie's finger. we saw their fort under the pine tree and then sipped limeade on the veranda. a most excellent day.

-aggie ice cream with annie mason webb!

-utah this year was unusually green and so amazingly beautiful. we hiked, ran and took in my favorite sounds of summer: the ditch running outside and a rainbird sprinkler going.
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Susan said...

Oakley is jealous that your girls have tried out the play structure!

sunnydaycamp said...

yeah! what a happy day it was together in cache valley.