daniel and dalynn our dear friends who came all the way from
baltimore to spend christmas with us. evan and daniel served a mission
together. they have three little girls and one more little lady on the way.
on christmas eve we had a feast of wild rice soup then had a
birthday party for Jesus! the girls thought of it, and it was really
special to have a party for Jesus, He is the reason we celebrate at this
time of year. i think it's a tradition we'll keep going at the fetters house.
the christmas pageant
daniel: donkey
brynn: mary
care bear: Jesus
maya: joseph
maren: shepherd
amber: shepherd
mika: wiseman
ember: wiseman
dalynn: wiseman
evan + zoe: angels
Our wonderful friends drove all the way from Baltimore Maryland to party with us for Christmas. They have three little girls who are nearly our girls ages and we had such a fabulous time. Christmas Eve we went to the zoo and saw all the wild animals there. We had a delicious dinner followed by a birthday party for Jesus. I would have to say that the birthday party for Jesus was my favorite. Brynn asked us "will Jesus be at the party?" We made a cake, decorated it and then talked about Jesus' birth and what it means to all of us. We followed that by the Christmas pageant, which was short, just a few minutes, but it still reminds me of why we do this-to celebrate Christ.