Friday, February 05, 2010

green ladies

i tried to get a picture of my girls with their matching green wool coats; and hooray i succeeded!
just in time for brynn to decide to lick her sister.
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A Erickson said...

Oh I am so jealous of those darling green coats! They are super stylish/vintage. Why wouldn't Brynnie Louellen want to lick her sister when she looks so darn fab!

Heidi Jarvis said...

Oh my goodness, they are too cute!!!

RoBiN said...

Your girls are darling in their green coats! I love them!

Eli and Steph said...

Hey Amber --

This is Steph (Hunter) -- Casey's kid sister. I was going through some old blog posts and found something that might make you laugh. I didn't know how to get it to you, so hence, I'm filling up a comment space on your blog (which I found through the NJ Hunter's). Here it is:

From March or so 2009 --
"I spent the last 3 weeks in a great little town called Wabasha, MN working in a small hosptial and long-term care facility. This was an invaluable experience because Mayo is HUGE-a-MOUNGOUS and I've been worried that I won't know how to act if we end up back in Wyoming and I get a job at a in-the-sticks hospital or clinic. Wabasha's hospital has 20 beds. It was a nice break from St. Mary's (1,000+ beds?). For those of you who think that Wabasha might sound familiar, you've heard it before if you've watched "The Grumpy Old Men" movies. Wabasha was the fabled little fishing town in the movies. It is a beautiful place, right across the Mississippi from Wisconsin. I told Eve that the bluffs above Wabasha were the closest things I've seen to mountains since leaving Wyoming. One fun tidbit from Wabasha is that I met a person there who knows Amber (Rawlinson) Fetters, a friend from Wellsville, UT. I was helping to set up for a 100-year-old birthday party for one of the long-term care residents. The resident's great nephew was there to celebrate and we got to talking about where I was from. I told him from Western Wyoming but that I was born in Logan, UT. He asked if Logan was near Wellsville and I said that in fact it was and then he asked me if I knew an Amber Fetters. While I mulled over the name asking myself, "Why does this sound so familiar" he brushed off his question as being a silly shot in the dark-- to which I suddenly burst out, "Amber Fetters--red hair, married to Evan, just moved to Minneapolis. Yeah, I grew up knowing her family. She and my brother and sister-in-law are very good friends and our moms are best friends". The gentleman laughed and said a few profanities in his surprise that I actually knew the one person from UT that he knows! It is a small, small world!"

:) It made me smile to re-read this.

I hope you're doing well. It is crazy that you guys are only 1 1/2 hours away and yet I haven't taken the time to drop in on you. I actually haven't been to the Cities in a long time...we're overdue for a trip to the Temple. Other than that we don't go up there too much.

Take care and tell your mom hi for me!


lindsay said...

Your little ladies are so adorable! Post some pictures of your house (if you ever get a sec). Miss you guys!