Wednesday, March 07, 2012


nine years peeps!
that seems so long and yet not long at all.
this print my cool sister in law amanda showed me.
and it's pretty much how i feel about evan.
i could go on and on, but this sums it up.
i am a lucky gal.


Amanda Fetters said...

I LOVE THIS PRINT. I saw another one on Pinterest that said "I love you because we hate the same stuff." Mwaha. Happy 9 years, you two lovebirds!

sunnydaycamp said...

Nine years- wow! Seems like the blink of an eye that I was getting home from my mission and you and Evan were planning a wedding. How grateful I am to have been apart of your lives. I love and admire so many things about your marriage.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!!