Tuesday, January 10, 2012

cheers to heroes of utah

one night last week while browsing the news i found a story about a car that had flipped over in a river. intrigued i opened the link, and found out that not only was it in utah, but it was in logan canyon; ten miles from where i grew up.

i read the story, about the car who went down a ten foot embankment and then flipped over in the river. about the father who escaped the car, and the three children left inside the car. about the people who jumped in the river to flip the car. about the man who shot the window out and cut the seat belts to get the children out. and how everyone cheered when the last child was breathing.

after i read this story i was just grateful for the happy outcome of it, and that people do amazing acts each day. thanks to fast acting people this family is alive.

the next morning evan sent me a link from cnn which had my brother phil quoted in it. that was pretty cool, and then yesterday i learned that phil and the other heroes of this story and the family would be on the ellen degeneres show.

here is the link: check it out.


cheers to the heroes that helped this family out! and cheers to people that do acts of service like this each day!


Kristine said...

Just saw the clip, love it! I bet you're so proud of Phil, that's awesome. Happy 2012!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for technology that unites us all in an amazing story! And to know, once again that Heavenly Father really does have a hand in our lives; to have that many people together with that level of skill and courage is awesome. Nice to see them recognized..