Sunday, June 13, 2010

Favorite place on earth

I'm on a roll....every few months or so I actually update this thing!

We have had a great last two months. We traveled to Utah for my youngest sister Carly's wedding the beginning of May. It was a wonderful event, and I have pictures of it somewhere....on a cd, I just need to download them. So eventually those will appear on this blog. We made the Utah trip our summer vacation and were able to go camping and see my absolute most favorite place: Calf Creek Falls. I camped there when I was 7 and then again in college and Evan and I were last there in 2007. We actually camped in Capitol Reef National Park-it was amazing to say the least. So all you people that live out west, go see Capitol Reef; it won't dissapoint. My parents and two of my siblings came and we loved it.

I love Utah for the change of scenery-there isn't another place like it. It soothes my soul to go to the desert and just be in awe of the beauty. Cheesy as that sounds-it's the truth.

The little ladies were troopers, they love to be outside, love to camp and be in the dirt.

We are now back to Minne and we'd love to say that we love summer, just as soon as it stops raining we'll say that.
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Anonymous said...

O favorite places are so fun with favorite people! We had so much fun!

Amanda Fetters said...

Oh lady. Seeing those photos makes me realize how very, very much I miss the West! Like stomachache missing. Sigh. Glad you had a great trip and got to have some neat little adventures!

Lindsey and Jason said...

Hey! This is your cousin Lindsey... I need your email so I can invite you to my blog...:)

Pamela said...

Hey Girl! Can't believe Carly is married. Every bird has to leave the nest at some point. Hope your having a great summer.